Philippines Jobs

Office Staff / Secretary Jobs at Techplas Manufacturing Corporation in Marilao, Bulacan

Techplas Manufacturing Corporation company logo
Published 5 months ago

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Company Techplas Manufacturing Corporation is offering job opportunities for the position of Office Staff / Secretary in the Marilao area. The job type available is Full-time.

We are looking for candidates who possess skills with beginners/seniors experience. We value honesty, discipline, and responsibility in our employees.

Techplas Manufacturing Corporation operates in the (according to the company) industry. If you are interested in applying to this company, please proceed with your application.

Job Information

Company:Techplas Manufacturing Corporation
Position:Office Staff / Secretary
Region:Bulacan, Marilao - Bulacan
Salary:PHP 14.500 - PHP 30.000 per Month
Job Type:Full-time

Job Description

Monitors, maintains, and improves the functionality and efficiency of the company systems and networks.

Implements network security measures.

Provides technical support to users; troubleshoot hardware, software, telecommunications problems, or any other computer-related issues or requests.

Installs and updates company software and hardware as needed; prepares & monitors the inventory of the computer hardware (desktop & laptops).

Anticipates and reports the cost of replacing or updating computer items.

Repairs and replaces equipment as necessary.

Tests equipment and new technology.

Other tasks that may be given from time to time.


  • Gaining experience
  • Taught first
  • Receiving a bonus for overtime

Application Requirements

  • Good communication skills
  • Strong team skills
  • Experience in similar work

Company address

Province Bulacan
City Marilao
Full Address QWFX+JRX Techplas manufacturing Corporation, Marilao, Bulacan, Philippines
Google Map Google Map

Job Application Information

Make sure you fill out the application form first and wait for HRD to call for an interview before you go to the company in person.

Tips from Admin: applying for a job is free of charge.

Hopefully you get the job you want.

If you find a vacancy that indicates fraud, please report it to us.


  • Click the "Apply Now" button above.
  • After that you will be directed to the Submission of Application page, there are tips for submitting applications and interviews.
  • On the application submission page, click the "Application Form" button.
  • On that page you can see more complete company information and see the number of people applying for the job.
  • Next is to click "Apply".
  • Please register on the website if you don't have an account, but if you do, you can immediately fill out the application form.
  • Finished.

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Company Information

Techplas Manufacturing Corporation

Techplas Manufacturing Corporation is a renowned plastic manufacturing company based in the Philippines. With decades of industry experience, they specialize in producing high-quality plastic products for various sectors such as automotive, electronics, packaging, and construction. Techplas is committed to delivering innovative and sustainable solutions, utilizing state-of-the-art technology and a highly skilled workforce. As a leader in the industry, Techplas is known for its reliability, efficiency, and exceptional customer service. They continuously strive to exceed customer expectations and maintain their position as a trusted name in the plastic manufacturing industry.