Pakistan Job

Commission Sales Associate Jobs at STATE LIFE in Karāchi, Sindh

Published 5 months ago

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STATE LIFE is thrilled to announce job openings for the position of Commission Sales Associate in the Sindh area. We are currently offering Part-time opportunities.

We are seeking candidates with excellent skills and a minimum of Entry level in the field. In addition, we value honesty, discipline, and a strong sense of responsibility in our workforce.

We take pride in offering a competitive estimated salary of approximately Rs 23,000 - Rs 90,000 (per Month). However, please note that the final salary offer is subject to the company's evaluation.

At STATE LIFE, we operate in the Insurance industry. If you are intrigued by our company and wish to pursue this exciting opportunity, we encourage you to apply directly.

Don't miss out on the chance to be part of our dynamic team. Submit your application today and take the first step towards a rewarding career with STATE LIFE.

Job Information

Position:Commission Sales Associate
Region:Karāchi - Sindh, Sindh
Seniority Level:Entry level
Salary:PKR 23.000 - PKR 90.000 per Month
Job Type:Part-time

Job Description

Hi there! This is a sales associate job at State Life Insurance, a governmental institution known for its AA rating in Pakistan. We offer the largest payout in the insurance industry and provide both part-time and full-time positions.

We invite bankers, marketers, and insurance agents to join us part-time. Banks can benefit from this opportunity as they sell bancaassurance and earn a 2% lower commission only in the first year, while clients receive a lower maturity amount. By working with us part-time, you can earn a great commission in the first year and also receive commissions in renewals without compromising your current job.

For insurance agents, working with us offers the advantage of meeting clients’ demands to take out a policy from State Life. You can easily sell policies and earn commissions without losing your client. Moreover, this job provides marketers with valuable marketing skills and the potential to earn a substantial income if you work diligently.

This position is commission-based, and bonuses are available. Don’t miss this opportunity!

Application Requirements

  • Good physical and mental health
  • Minimum age 17 years
  • Discipline and adherence to time
  • Honest and responsible
  • Good character
  • Satisfaction in working and learning
  • For other requirements, please check through the application form.

Company address

Province Sindh
City Karāchi
Google Map Google Map

Job Application Information

Make sure you fill out the application form first and wait for HRD to call for an interview before you go to the company in person.

Tips from Admin: applying for a job is free of charge.

Hopefully you get the job you want.

If you find a vacancy that indicates fraud, please report it to us.


  • Click the "Apply Now" button above.
  • After that you will be directed to the Submission of Application page, there are tips for submitting applications and interviews.
  • On the application submission page, click the "Application Form" button.
  • On that page you can see more complete company information and see the number of people applying for the job.
  • Next is to click "Apply".
  • Please register on the website if you don't have an account, but if you do, you can immediately fill out the application form.
  • Finished.

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Company Information


Industry: Insurance

STATE LIFE is a prominent and trusted insurance company based in Pakistan. With a strong presence in the market, the company offers a wide range of insurance products and services to meet the diverse needs of its customers. Committed to providing financial protection and security, STATE LIFE prioritizes customer satisfaction and tailors its offerings accordingly. Known for its ethical practices and fair dealings, the company has gained a reputation for reliability and transparency. Backed by a team of experienced professionals, STATE LIFE continues to innovate and evolve, ensuring its position as the preferred choice for insurance in Pakistan.